FAQ Icon - The Millon Personality Group


At the Millon Personality Group, we receive numerous questions, including those related to Dr. Millon’s Theory of Personality and the application of that theory to the practice of personality assessment. We invite you to use this section to submit any question you may have. Below you will find answers to some of the questions we have received. This ongoing process of inquiry and response will help build and strengthen the growing Millon Personality Group community.

The Millon Personality Group

The purpose of the Millon Personality Group is to further the study and practice of personality theory and personality assessment as originated by Dr. Theodore Millon. Our group is a place to form a community of people interested in Dr. Millon’s theory and assessments.

You can join the group by submitting your email address and filling out a brief form by clicking here.

By becoming a member of the Millon Personality Group, you will become part of the large and growing community of mental health professionals interested in Dr. Millon’s theory of personality development and the wide range of clinical assessments authored by Dr. Millon.

Membership will provide ongoing access to:

  • The most current clinical and scientific research studies on the Millon® Theory and the Millon® Inventories, as well as the opportunity to participate in that research.
  • The opportunity to communicate with other Millon Personality Group members regarding their own experiences with and learnings from their using the Millon® Inventories.
  • Listings of training opportunities regarding the Millon® Inventories.
  • Listings of events and activities related to the study and practice of the Millon® Theory and the Millon® Inventories.
  • Updates on the status of product development efforts regarding the Millon® Inventories.


While all legacy MCMI instruments have sought to capture a range of personality dynamics in breadth as well as level of functioning, the MCMI®-IV introduces several shifts that more deliberately highlight dimensional aspects of personality as well as adaptivity and functionality concerns. This is primarily accomplished via its coordination with Millon’s (2011) spectrum approach, which maps a continuum from adaptive to maladaptive personality constellations. It is also more clearly connected to therapeutic implications, as it highlights these dimensions through an enhanced treatment guide. Finally, the MCMI®-IV now measures a new personality spectrum, the Turbulent personality pattern.

The MCMI®-IV remains closely coordinated with established DSM-5 personality diagnostic criteria, with its inclusion of prototypal scales covering all ten of the DSM-5 personality diagnoses. It also covers five prototypes not included in DSM-5.

For questions dealing with MCMI®-IV reports, scoring, pricing, ordering and training, please visit the test publisher’s website at PearsonClinical.com/MCMI-IV.

Research Opportunities

If you are interested in participating in research related to the MCMI®-IV or have an idea for a research study, simply fill out our Research Form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

If you are interested in participating in research related to the Millon Inventories, or have an idea for a research study, simply fill out our Research Form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Submit a Question

How can I submit a question to be answered by a founding member of the group?

Send us an email, we will respond as soon as possible.