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Our Team

Alyssa Millon Boice, MA (Executive Director)

Alyssa Millon Boice, MA (Executive Director)

Alyssa graduated from Marist College with a MA in Educational Psychology. After working as a teacher, she decided to come and work with Dr. Millon, her grandfather, in 2006. Over the past 16 years she has worked on various projects with The Millon Personality Group. As the Executive Director, she devotes her time to supporting research opportunities related to the Millon Inventories, staying in touch with users of the full range of Dr. Millon’s clinical assessments, and is dedicated to continuing the legacy of Dr. Millon’s theory and work for many years to come.
Seth Grossman, Psy.D. (Training Director)

Seth Grossman, Psy.D. (Training Director)

Dr. Seth Grossman, lead psychologist and training/research director of the Millon Personality Group, is a licensed psychologist in Florida and North Carolina. He is the primary co-author of the MCMI-IV, creator of the Grossman Facet Scales of the MCMI and MACI instruments, and a contributing author of many of the Millon Inventories, as well as the lead author of the “Essentials of MCMI-IV Assessment” text. He is also the founder and clinical director of the Center for Psychological Freedom in Coral Springs, FL, an adjunct professor teaching objective personality assessment at Nova Southeastern University, and a former member of the clinical faculty at the Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine. For nearly two decades, Dr. Grossman worked under the leadership of Dr. Millon, co-authoring several books, scientific articles, and book chapters both independently and with Dr. Millon. Dr. Grossman has also been a guest lecturer on personality and clinical assessment at universities and professional settings nationally and internationally.
Robert Tringone, Ph.D. (Founding Contributor)

Robert Tringone, Ph.D. (Founding Contributor)

Dr. Tringone received his Ph.D. at the University of Miami where he studied under Dr. Theodore Millon. Through their joint research ventures, Dr. Tringone served as a Personality Disorders Adviser to the DSM-IV Axis II Work Group. Since 1992, Dr. Tringone has been a Pearson Assessments-certified Workshop Leader, focusing especially on pre-adolescent and adolescent assessment with the Millon Pre-Adolescent Clinical Inventory, which he is co-author, and the Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory. He has authored or co-authored numerous book chapters on both the M-PACI and MACI. His recent research efforts have focused on developing measures to test Millon’s theory of emerging personality patterns and their connection to parenting styles. Additionally, he served as the Coordinator of Inventory Training for the Institute for the Advanced Studies in Personology and Psychopathology. For many years, Dr. Tringone worked at Zucker Hillside Hospital in Glen Oaks, New York where he served as Coordinator of ED/Crisis Services, Psychological Testing, and Child Externship Training. Dr. Tringone now works at St. John’s University in the Department of Student Wellness on the Queens, New York campus and for seven years has been an Adjunct Associate Professor within the APA-approved Clinical Psychology doctoral program. He also maintains a part-time private practice for children, adolescents, and adults.
Carrie Millon, Ph.D. (Founding Contributor)

Carrie Millon, Ph.D. (Founding Contributor)

Dr. Millon is a graduate of the University of Miami with a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. She was Assistant Dean at the Institute for Advanced Studies of Personology and Psychopathology founded by Dr. Theodore Millon, and was instrumental in the conception, development, and validation of both the MCMI-IV and MBMD assessments. She has co-authored several texts in the personality/psychopathology field and has written numerous articles and chapters in the mental and physical health area. Dr. Millon was an assistant professor at the University of Miami School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. She also served as the director of the University’s Biopsychosocial Center for the Study of AIDS, and director of the University’s EAP program. Additionally, she helped to design behavioral programs as a clinician at the University of Miami’s Pain and Rehabilitation Programs in its Department of Neurological Surgery.
Michael H. Antoni, Ph.D. (Founding Contributor)

Michael H. Antoni, Ph.D. (Founding Contributor)

Dr. Antoni is Sylvester Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Miami, Leader in the Cancer Prevention Control and Survivorship program at the Sylvester Cancer Center, and a licensed psychologist in the State of Florida. Over the past 3 decades, Dr. Antoni has received continuous extramural support from NIH and published over 400 journal articles, books, book chapters and abstracts on studies testing the effects of stress factors, personality/coping style, social resources and stress management interventions on psychological adaptation, biological processes, and clinical health outcomes in chronic diseases. Dr. Antoni has for the past 15 years served as Associate Editor for two interdisciplinary behavioral medicine journals: International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, and Psychology and Health. After being training under Dr. Millon they worked together for 30 years, during which time Dr. Antoni co-authored the Millon Behavioral Medicine Diagnostic (MBMD), and designed and conducted empirical research with the MBMD, MBHI and the MCMI instruments in different clinical populations including psychiatric patients, and persons diagnosed with conditions such as HIV/AIDS, heart disease, different cancers, bariatric surgery and chronic pain.

Katherine Millon Sinsabaugh, Ph.D. (Early Childhood and Childhood Specialist)

Katherine Millon Sinsabaugh, Ph.D. (Early Childhood and Childhood Specialist)

Dr. Sinsabaugh holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology/Special Education and Master’s Degree in Education from Marist College. She also holds a Ph.D. in Education from Capella University. Katherine’s dissertation, entitled Personality Styles of Pre-service Teachers: A Quantitative Study of Individuals who Aspire to Teach at Varying Levels, utilized the MIPS Revised assessment to investigate the personality styles of prospective teachers.

After working as a public school teacher for several years, Katherine has been teaching in the Education Department at SUNY Orange since August 2008. She currently serves as Chair of the Education Department. Katherine also works closely with Dr. Millon’s team on research and test construction endeavors. Her unique interests include the study of factors influencing child development, as well as examining the role of personality in teacher effectiveness.

Neil Bockian, Ph.D. (Founding Contributor)

Neil Bockian, Ph.D. (Founding Contributor)

Dr. Bockian graduated from the University of Miami, where he was mentored by Dr. Theodore Millon. He has followed closely in his mentor’s footsteps, maintaining an interest in both personality disorders and health psychology/behavioral medicine throughout his career. He has been a professor of clinical psychology since 1995; currently, he is at Adler University, where he coordinates the Primary Care/Behavioral Medicine Emphasis. He is the author of The Personality Disorders Treatment Planner (Wiley, 2001) The Personality Disorders Treatment Planner, 2nd Edition (Wiley, 2015) New Hope for People with Borderline Personality Disorder (Random House, 2002) and Personality Guided Therapy for Depression (American Psychological Association) as well as several dozen publications and presentations in the areas of behavioral medicine, rehabilitation, and personality disorders. His current areas of research include examining brain activity underlying borderline and antisocial personality disorder, and exploring the relationship between parenting style and children’s personality.
Donna Meagher, MA (Administrative/Research Coordinator)

Donna Meagher, MA (Administrative/Research Coordinator)

Donna worked with Dr. Millon from 1997-2014 as the Director of Administration at the Institute for Advanced Studies of Personology and Psychopathology, Ted’s research and development group. Her background in teaching (French and German) and business (controller at a large law firm) prepared her for the varied and challenging work at IASPP. Ted was very active during this period with test development and book authorship, establishing a rigorous yet exciting environment. Donna continues to play an active role at the Millon Personality Group organizing research projects and working on other various administrative tasks.
Theo Jolosky, Ph.D. (Founding Contributor)

Theo Jolosky, Ph.D. (Founding Contributor)

Dr. Jolosky’s educational background includes a BA in Psychology from Carleton College and a PhD in Higher Education from the University of Michigan. His professional relationship with Dr. Millon began in 1981, when he led the commercial marketing launch of Ted’s first three clinical assessments. Later, Theo and Ted worked together on new test ideas, plans for revising existing instruments, and how best to keep Ted’s work alive in the world of clinical psychology and allied fields. At the Millon Personality Group Theo helps to identify ongoing research and training opportunities for the Millon Inventories.

He is also the author of Dr. Millon’s memoir entitled Master of the Mind: The Voice of Theodore Millon. The book’s primary concentration is not on the contributions Dr. Millon made to the fields of personality theory, personality disorders, and personality assessment, as far-reaching and multidimensional as those contributions have been. Rather, the book focuses on who Ted Millon was as a person and why he was so driven and committed to improving the human condition.

Sarah Minor, PhD (Founding Contributor)

Sarah Minor, PhD (Founding Contributor)

Dr. Minor was a student and research assistant of Dr. Theodore Millon’s at the University of Miami (1997-2002) and was involved in many of his major projects, including the MBMD. In her clinical practice, she continues to serve as a mentor and consultant for her peers in interpreting, providing clinical feedback, and treatment planning using Millon inventories. Sarah is currently the Program Director for Mental Health and Wellness at Kaiser Permanente Washington.
Stephen Strack, Ph.D. (Founding Contributor)

Stephen Strack, Ph.D. (Founding Contributor)

Dr. Strack is a graduate of UC Berkeley and received his Ph.D. in clinical psychology at the University of Miami under Dr. Millon. Throughout his 30-year career Dr. Strack was a close associate of Dr. Millon and prolific contributor to the personality assessment literature. He is author or editor of 10 books and manuals, 50 chapters and research articles, and co-author of the Millon College Counseling Inventory (MCCI). An internationally-recognized expert on the Millon Inventories, Dr. Strack retired from professional work in 2014. He remains dedicated to Dr. Millon’s legacy and currently serves as ad hoc consultant to the Personality Group.