There exists a wealth of information related to Dr. Millon’s theory and the Millon Inventories. On this page you will find a range of books and online resources covering a wide range of topics, including personality theory, personality assessment, psychopathology, and clinical practice. Books, may be ordered directly from the publisher (links are provided below) or through the distributor of your choice.
The Testing Psychologist with Dr. Jeremy Sharp: Making Meaning with your Clients Translation Millon Theory into Clinical Impact with Drs. Seth Grossman and Robert Tringone.
Into the Mind: Conversations with Dr. Theodore Millon
A series of audio broadcasts, presented by author Dr. Theodore Millon, providing detailed information on the history and origin of his Evolutionary Theory of Personality, the connection between theory and assessment, and the development of the Millon Inventories and the new MCMI-IV. Topics include: Millon Evolutionary Theory and the Darwin Connection and Linking Theory to the Assessment of Personality.
Master of the Mind: The Voice of Theodore Millon by Theo Jolosky
Master of the Mind‘s primary focus is not on the contributions Ted Millon made to the fields of personality theory, personality disorders, and personality assessment, as far-reaching and multidimensional as those contributions have been (and continue to be). Rather, this book explores who Ted Millon was as a person, and seeks to identify why he was so driven, so absolutely committed to improving the human condition. It examines how Ted approached his work, how he solved problems, how he reasoned, how he thought. What motivated him. From whom he drew his inspiration. Why he chose the path he did. And a reflection on the legacy that he leaves behind.
Disorders of Personality: Introducing a DSM/ICD Spectrum from Normal to Abnormal, 3rd edition (2011)
By Theodore Millon & Roger D. Davis
Publisher: Wiley
Now in its Third Edition, this book clarifies the distinctions between the vast array of personality disorders and helps clinicians make accurate diagnoses. It has been thoroughly updated to incorporate the changes in the forthcoming DSM-5. Using the classification scheme he pioneered, Dr. Millon guides clinicians through the intricate maze of personality disorders, with special attention to changes in their conceptualization over the last decade. Extensive new research is included, as well as the incorporation of over 50 new illustrative and therapeutically detailed cases. This is every mental health professional’s essential volume to fully understanding personality.
Masters of the Mind: Exploring the Stories of Mental Illness from Ancient Times to the New Millennium (2004)
By Theodore Millon, with contributions by Seth Grossman and Sarah Meagher. Portraits by Theodore Millon and Carrie Millon.
Publisher: Wiley
An enlightening study of how philosophers and clinicians throughout history have understood the mind and mental illness… Millon, a major figure among today’s psychological experts, considers the full scope of mental science, from its precedents in early thought, through the rise of its disciples in the twentieth century, and on to the newest paradigms at work in the twenty-first century.
Book reviews can be found in 2005 issues of American Journal of Psychiatry and the New England Journal of Medicine.
The Oxford Textbook of Psychopathology (2014)
Edited by Paul H. Blaney, Ph.D., Robert F. Krueger, Ph.D., and Theodore Millon, Ph.D.
Publisher: Oxford University Press
This third edition of the Oxford Textbook of Psychopathology is fully updated according to the DSM-5 and also reflects alternative, emerging perspectives in the field (e.g., the NIMH’s Research Domain Criteria Initiative; RDoC). The Textbook exposes readers to exceptional scholarship, a history of psychopathology, the logic of the best approaches to current disorders, and an expert outlook on what researchers and mental health professionals will be facing in the years to come. With extensive coverage of personality disorders and issues related to classification and differential diagnosis, this volume will be exceptionally useful for all mental health workers, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers, and as a textbook focused on understanding psychopathology in depth, as well as a valuable guide for graduate psychology students and psychiatric residents.
Contemporary Directions in Psychopathology: Scientific Foundations of the DSM-V and ICD-11 (Hardcover)
Edited by: Theodore Millon PhD DSc, Robert F. Krueger PhD, and Erik Simonsen MD
Publisher: The Guilford Press (March 19, 2010)
This forward-thinking volume grapples with critical questions surrounding the mechanisms underlying mental disorders and the systems used for classifying them. Edited and written by leading international authorities, many of whom are actively involved with the development of DSM-V and ICD-11, the book integrates biological and psychosocial perspectives. It provides balanced analyses of such issues as the role of social context and culture in psychopathology and the pros and cons of categorical versus dimensional approaches to diagnosis. Cutting-edge diagnostic instruments and research methods are reviewed. Throughout, contributors highlight the implications of current theoretical and empirical advances for understanding real-world clinical problems and developing more effective treatments.
Personality Disorders: Toward Theoretical and Empirical Integration in Diagnosis and Assessment
By Steven K. Huprich
Publisher: American Psychological Association
What are personality disorders? How should they be conceptualized, and how should they be assessed and diagnosed in clinical practice? For over a century these questions have been at the heart of psychological science. Yet even today, as the recent controversy over proposed changes to the classification of PDs in DSM-5 attests, there is hardly consensus on the answers.
This groundbreaking text offers a comprehensive and provocative tour of a field that is ripe for integration. Contributors who rank among the world s most prestigious clinical and personality psychologists guide readers through the state of our knowledge of personality disorders, from conceptual and theoretical concerns to the practical problems faced by assessing clinicians. They address the advantages and disadvantages of categorical and dimensional approaches to diagnosing personality pathology used in the standard diagnostic manuals, as well as the hybrid model described in Section III of DSM-5. Recent advances in statistical, methodological, and biogenetic research strategies are applied to the study of PDs, with a focus on clinical and empirical approaches to assessment and diagnosis. Theorists describe how psychodynamic, attachment, interpersonal, evolutionary, and cognitive processing approaches offer surprisingly similar models of conceptualizing and treating PDs.
Personality Disorders in Modern Life, 2nd ed. (2004)
By Theodore Millon and Seth Grossman, Sarah Meagher, Carrie Millon, and Rowena Ramnath
Publisher: Wiley
Personality Disorders in Modern Life (2nd edition) is a significant revision of the remarkable text designed to widen your perspective of psychopathology. This book covers all personality disorders in the DSM-IV from a variety of perspectives with balanced coverage of the biological, psychodynamic, interpersonal, cognitive, and evolutionary perspectives. Invaluable for teaching students about Axis II disorders, as well as for clinicians and human resource professionals.
Personality and Psychopathology: Building a Clinical Science (1996)
Selected Papers of Theodore Millon
Publisher: Wiley
Containing 17 of Professor Millon’s seminal papers, this pioneering collection is must reading for professionals and students who seek to understand how their field can coordinate and be systematized into a fully mature science of persons. The papers are divided into the four components of a clinical science: explanatory theory; derivable classifications; empirically-grounded assessment tools, and synergistic therapeutic interventions.
Theories of Personality: Contemporary Approaches to the Science of Personality (2002)
By Jeffrey J. Magnavita
Publisher: Wiley
Jeffrey Magnavita, one of the leading new scholars in the field of personality theory, offers a rich and balanced text on the evolution of personality theory. Following a historical review of the field’s underpinnings, seven major schools of thought are covered in a comprehensive and thorough manner, emphasizing how each model has evolved into its contemporary form. The book also emphasizes continuing research, model applications, and cultural considerations.
Psychopathy: Antisocial, Criminal, and Violent Behavior (1998)
Edited by Theodore Millon, Erik Simonsen, Morten Birket-Smith, Roger D. Davis
Publisher: The Guilford Press
This edited volume provides the reader with the latest international perspective on the theory, typology, etiology, comorbidities, and treatments of psychopathy. A book review can be found in The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Volume 187 (May 1999), p 321-323.
Toward a New Personology: An Evolutionary Model (1990)
Publisher: Wiley
Having weathered the storm of polemic and willful neglect from both the professional and academic communities, personology is experiencing a second flowering. Considering any personality theory as unscientific and archaic, proponents of the empirical and positivist schools that predominated in the sixties and seventies chose to dismiss a century of analytic trailblazing by such as Freud, Jung, Horney, Sullivan, et al., and concentrated instead on “objectively real” traits, S-R bonds, or statistical factors. Now, with the advent of the American Psychiatric Association’s most recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III-R), personality disorders are once again deemed fundamental to an understanding of other psychopathologies. And nowhere has personology experienced a more full and viable recrudescence than in the work of Theodore Millon, author of Disorders of Personality and contributor to DSM-III and the forthcoming DSM-IV. In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Millon explicates his new theory of personality, its foundations and applications to the study of psychopathology. He draws on the principles inherent in the physical and biological sciences to fashion a model based, in great part, in modern evolutionary theory.
Chronic Physical Disorders: Behavioral Medicine’s Perspective
Edited by Alan Christensen, Michael Antoni
Publisher: Wiley
In Chronic Physical Disorders, the most prominent figures in the field of behavioral medicine argue why a biopsychosocial perspective is crucial to reducing the tremendous personal and societal burden of chronic disease.
“This volume provides an excellent synthesis of the cross-cutting themes and major psychosocial issues in the adjustment process for persons with chronic medical conditions. It is an essential reference for researchers, clinicians, and students of the discipline of health psychology and behavioral medicine, as well as a valuable resource for other health professionals whose research and clinical work focuses on chronic disease management.” Dr. Perry M. Nicassio, California School of Professional Psychology, San Diego, and the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine
Essentials of MCMI-IV Assessment (Essentials of Psychological Assessment); 1st Edition (2017)
By Seth Grossman & Blaise Amendolace
Publisher: Wiley
Essentials of MCMI®-IV Assessment is the definitive source of up-to-date, practical information for clinicians and students using the MCMI®-IV inventory. Step-by-step guidelines walk you through the process of administering the assessment, with a profile and demonstration of the clinical process from administration to treatment. Expert discussion helps inform higher-quality therapeutic interventions. The link between assessment and intervention is emphasized throughout, as well as coverage of relevant populations and clinical applications, to provide a well-rounded understanding while illuminating the uses of the MCMI®-IV.
The Millon Inventories, Second Edition: A Practitioner’s Guide to Personalized Clinical Assessment (2008)
Edited by Theodore Millon and Caryl Bloom
Publisher: Guilford Press
Now in a substantially revised and expanded second edition, this important work thoroughly details the full range of clinical assessment tools developed by Theodore Millon and his associates. Presented is the most current, authoritative overview of the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI), as well as comprehensive information on widely used instruments for such specific populations as adolescents, preadolescents, medical patients, and college students. With a heightened focus on clinical practice, the second edition offers explicit guidance for linking assessment to individualized, evidence-based treatment planning and intervention. Many of the chapters are entirely new, reflecting significant research advances and the development of new inventories.
Essentials of Millon Inventories Assessment; 3rd ed. (2008)
Edited by Stephen Strack
Publisher: Wiley
Fully revised and updated, Essentials of Millon Inventories Assessments, Third Edition, will help readers to quickly acquire the knowledge and skills you need to confidently administer, score, and interpret the Millon personality assessment tests.
A Beginner’s Guide to the MCMI-III (2002)
By Dan Jankowski
Publisher: APA Books
A primer for readers who want to learn the basics as well as the nuances of administering, scoring, and interpreting the MCMI-III. Perfect for the novice test user, this volume clearly explains the MCMI-III and reveals fundamental information on how to generate sound hypotheses about clients and create complete and accurate psychological profiles based on Millon’s understanding of personality.
Interpretive Guide to the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory: 2nd Edition (1997)
By James P. Choca & Eric Van Denburg
Publisher: APA Books
The second edition of this well-received APA-book is rich in new material for clinicians and trainers alike. As in the first edition, it provides a thoughtful review of the inventory’s development, scale psychometrics, and operating characteristics. Arranged in part as a clinician’s “cookbook”, it also summarizes numerous empirical studies carried out with a wide-range of clinical populations.
Assessing Adolescents with the MACI (1999)
By Joseph T. McCann
Publisher: Wiley
Assessing Adolescents with the MACI is an interpretive guide for using the Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory–the most widely used personality assessment test for adolescents. The first book devoted exclusively to the MACI, this resource will prove a helpful guide for understanding the test, interpreting the results in clinical evaluation, and making appropriate recommendations for treatment and care management.
Forensic Assessment with the Millon Inventories (1996)
By Joseph T. McCann & Frank J. Dyer
Publisher: Guilford Press
Focusing on the MCMI and MACI, this is the first book to address the application of the Millon inventories to forensic psychology. Content includes the role of psychological testing in the courts, the presentation of complex psychometric issues, the importance of forensic case law, numerous legal and ethical considerations, and guidelines for preparing courtroom testimony. These issues are presented with excellent clinical illustrations and vivid detail, making the text a general reference for all professionals who must occasionally perform evaluations for the courts.
Overcoming Resistant Personality Disorders: A Personalized Psychotherapy Approach
By Theodore Millon & Seth Grossman
Publisher: Wiley
Acknowledging the primacy of the whole person, Overcoming Resistant Personality Disorders: A Personalized Psychotherapy Approach takes into account all of the complexities of human nature–family influences, culture, neurobiological processes, unconscious memories, and so on–illustrating that no part of human nature should lie outside the scope of a clinician’s regard.
Part of a three-book series, this book provides you with a unique combination of conceptual background and step-by-step practical advice to guide your treatment of Axis II personality disorders.
Destined to become an essential reference for trainees and professionals, this book makes a revolutionary call to return therapy to the natural reality of each patient’s life, seamlessly guiding you in understanding the personality and treatment of the whole, unique, yet complex person.
Resolving Difficult Clinical Syndromes: A Personalized Psychotherapy Approach
By Theodore Millon & Seth Grossman
Publisher: Allyn & Bacon
Acknowledging the primacy of the whole person, Resolving Difficult Clinical Syndromes: A Personalized Psychotherapy Approach takes into account all of the complexities of human nature–family influences, culture, neurobiological processes, unconscious memories, and so on–illustrating that no part of human nature should lie outside the scope of a clinician’s regard.
Part of a three-book series, Resolving Difficult Clinical Syndromes: A Personalized Psychotherapy Approach provides you with a unique combination of conceptual background and step-by-step practical advice to guide your treatment of Axis I clinical disorders.
Personality-Guided Therapy (1999)
By Theodore Millon (with contributions by Seth Grossman, Sarah Meagher, Carrie Millon, and George Everly)
Publisher: Wiley
Excerpt from Foreword by Roger D. Davis
This book fills a gaping hole in clinical practice. In an age when the forces of managed care have driven clinicians more and more to treat only the most immediate and dramatic outcroppings of pathology, Millon maintains that therapists should understand the presenting problem by understanding the whole person. Personality-guided therapy thus addresses not only the most pressing issues, but also treats the potential for pathology, the only foundation of an ethical psychotherapy
Tactical Psychotherapy of the Personality Disorders: An MCMI-III–Based Approach (1995)
Edited by Paul D. Retzlaff
Publisher: Allyn & Bacon
A team of expert clinicians show how the MCMI-III can be effectively used, not only to establish Axis I and Axis II diagnoses, but also to develop therapeutic plans that span and integrate a wide range of modalities, including cognitive, object relations, interpersonal, pharmacological, and others.
The Personality Disorders Treatment Planner (2001)
By Neil R. Bockian & Arthur E. Jongsma, Jr.
Publisher: Wiley
Part of Wiley’s Practice Planners® series, this guide provides all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plans not only for the Axis-II classifications of personality disorders, but for many of the subtypes specified in Dr. Millon’s theories. Treatment plan strategies from this indispensable volume draw from a balanced, well-rounded, and extensive bank of therapeutic methods, consolidated by a comprehensive integrative approach.
Moderating Severe Personality Disorders: A Personalized Psychotherapy Approach (2007)
By Theodore Millon & Seth Grossman
Publisher: Wiley
A revolutionary, personalized psychotherapy approach for the treatment of Axis II personality disorders, by renowned expert Dr. Theodore Millon. Acknowledging the primacy of the whole person, Moderating Severe Personality Disorders: A Personalized Psychotherapy Approach takes into account all of the complexities of human nature – family influences, culture, neurobiological processes, unconscious memories, and so on–illustrating that no part of human nature should lie outside the scope of a clinician’s regard.
Part of a three book series, this book provides you with a unique combination of conceptual background and step-by-step practical advice to guide your treatment of Axis II personality disorders.